We offer professional pet grooming services to help your pet look their best. Our groomers take exceptional care of your pet and extend their services to all ages, sizes, and breeds. With numerous services and options, you can tailor your pet’s grooming treatment to your specific desires. Whether you want a simple shampoo or a breed-specific cut and blow-out, our pet stylists provide stunning results.
*Upon scheduling your grooming appointment, be sure to let our staff know if your pet has any skin allergies so we can arrange for them to have a medicated shampoo and soothing skin conditioner.
Some of the grooming services we offer include: ​
Anal gland expressions (dogs only)
Breed standard haircut or haircut based on owner preferences
Ear cleaning (if there is anything abnormal the veterinarian will be notified)
Full bath and brush-out (or blow-out depending on breed)
Medicated bath for pets with skin allergies
Medicated flea bath
Nail trimming
Stripping treatment
Teeth cleaning
Grooming requirements
For your pet’s safety as well as the safety of our groomers
We do require all pets to have current vaccination records when scheduling grooming appointments. If your pet requires any boosters at the time of scheduling grooming, simply let the receptionist know, and our veterinarian can administer the vaccine prior to service. The added convenience of having both veterinarian and groomer in our office is that vaccinations and grooming can be scheduled for a single visit.
Please note that our groomers perform all services to their best abilities. If services cannot be rendered due to pet aggression or unwillingness, we will not force your pet to undergo the planned treatment.
Our office will notify you of any services that we were not able to complete prior to picking up your pet.
While you will not be charged for services not performed, our groomers will offer suggestions to help lessen your pet’s apprehension towards their next grooming appointment.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule a grooming session, please contact our office.